Karen showed me the most amazing clip today @ work and it made me cry. And now, it's my turn to make you cry. Or you probably have already shed some tears watching YouTube clips of Christian, the Lion who remembered his friends. Nevertheless, i still wanna try and hopefully can make you people cry again :)
"Love knows no limits and true friendship last a lifetime"
If animals can understand trust, friendship and love, what about us, humans who are 'suppose' to be far superior than all living things alive? Shame on you if you know not the true meaning of T.F.L.
So humans, if you can still find some love in your heart to spare, please help spread some @ BornFree and do buy an ORIGINAL DVD of Christian, The Lion. You'll be glad you did :)
"Who will now care for the animals, for they cannot look after themselves? Are there young men and women who are willing to take on this charge? Who will raise their voices, when mine is carried away on the wind, to plead their case?"
George Adamson