September 18, 2005
Have You Ever Seen An Angel??
Shane. We have come a long way. Life with him is ever so enriching and entertaining. He has been through so much with me. For his tender young age, he is mature in a way. Shane, the Star of my life. Twinkling in the darkest moment, like a mini torch guiding my way through. I can’t imagine my life without him anymore. He shares everything I have, my love, my joy, my fears and my tears.
If you meet my Shane one day, you’ll realize why I love him so. You’ll grow to love him as much as I do. He is never shy around strangers; in fact, he won’t hesitate to initiate conversation with people he doesn’t really know. He is ever-ready to flash you his big smile or showing you his toy. He is comfortable with adult as much as he is with kids his age. He loves music, singing and dancing. And he loves play-acting very much too. At nite, he has to sleep with his favourite bolster and his 5 doggies: Bingo, Snoopy, Brownie, Alfro and Baby (Yes, he has named them) and his bear family; Papa Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear! He even has to selectively bring them to the washroom just to have them watch him brushing his teeth!
He loves to write. He will not throw a tantrum if I made him switches off the telly and sit down on the table and practice his writings. He can write anything he wants, ABCs or 123s or even just coloring or drawing. I may be biased but I think he can draw quite well. Yes, I’m a strict mom, but I do allow flexibility and treats every now and then. And he has to eat on the table with the telly switched off too as well. No eating and watching Playhouse Disney channel at the same time! That’s my house rule.
Shane is helpful around the house. We used to have a maid, so he had someone to help him with everything. But now, Shane has learnt to keep his own toys, placed his dirty clothes in the laundry basket after shower and is learning to do so much more. You have no idea how proud I am of him. Since babe, he has never given me much problem. He slept thru the nite most of the time ever since he was 3 months old. He hardly cries for night-feeding. He was toilet trained in his 18 months and slept thoroughout the nite without diaper when he was about 2 and a half years old. The only problem I have with him is food. To him, Food = Monster! Yes, that’s the equation he has although he’s much better now. He used to tell me and his teachers in school, “Why must I eat?” or, “Mommy, I don’t want to grow tall like Papa, so can I don’t eat?” and he hates green!! Right, that’s vegetable!
Oh, he is such a chatterbox (ya ya ya…everyone said he is so like me in this instance, I talk a lot meh??) He has loud voice and he chatters non-stop, anywhere and everywhere. And he sleeps like a fish!! Many times, I have to adjust him back to the right position just so he won’t fall off the bed.
Really, I really can’t imagine my life without my handsome angel anymore. This weekend, Shane is with his dad, leaving me with very little to do. I swam, I napped, I shopped, I planted myself in front of the telly and watched my DVDs, in short, I lazed around. I welcome this break but at the same time, I don’t mind not having any just to have my Shane with me.
As much as he is my angel, he frustrates me at times too. But at the end of the day, I would have nothing if I have no Shane.
Shane, my biggest and most invaluable achievement and accomplishment!
Shane, I just love being with Shane and I love everything about Shane!
. . and most of all, I love Shane