Meaning, it's raining in Thai. It was such a cold cold day, wasn't it? Although a little inconvenient, but i kinda like it a bit wee cold. Can put on more clothes to cover that ever growing tummy and expanding waist. Time for a vaser lipo na :))
Received a couple of emails asking me (or rather indirectly) why i am still single. Let me answer this in four points:
1) i haven't met the right man that i think is good for Shane. Or shall i say, i don't even want to meet anyone.
2) i'm not interested in relationship at this moment. I am happily single and with Shane by my side, i don't need anyone else.
3) i have read of many child abuse cases and i don't want to subject my baby to such potential harm. He's too young to know how to protect himself and i don't want love to blind my judgement of any sort. I'm the best caregiver for him and i don't trust any man to take care of him, not even for just 5 minutes.
4) i am prepared to stay single my whole life. And because i am prepared to stay single, therefore i am :)
So there, you happy with my answers?
It's 2am now on a Sunday morning. Time for breakfast, anyone?
Got it
Fon tok tee na tang! I like how the song is introduced in French:
Savez-vous que vous êtes belle; Tellement irrésistible que je n'ai pu m'empê vous aimer.
Any female would melt over this ;)
BTW, there's a chinese version of this song; It's called 命中注定(decreed by fate) sung by a Taiwan singer named Harlem Yu.
The lyrics talks about how the singer and the female are linked by fate through a small coincidence in the rain. Though its of the same melody, but both songs share a completely different story. I guess the only link is the theme of rain :)
Here's the video link if you're interested:
- Stan
But you are too beautiful to be single :)
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