Excuse Me, Are You A Model??

Tuesday, 7 March 2006

Nay, model I'm not. Not tall enough, end of story.

Not that anyone had ever asked me that but it's pretty obvious I'm not one.

But most people are curious as to what my occupation is. Hmmm... is that important?

The same with age. People like to ask: "How old are you?"...It's just figures I know, but is it really that important?

Somehow, I always ended up as a 'beauty consultant' or someone working in the 'beauty industry' to most people I meet.

Once, in a hair salon, I was asked, not once but THREE times by THREE different people, whether I'm in the beauty industry!!

I really cannot understand. Can't they be more creative? Perhaps I'm an engineer working in the PCB assembly solutions firm involving SMT, firmware & circuitary design and creating exciting prototypes...maybe for XXX-brand mobile phone or XXX-brand mini media player.

Or maybe I'm a food technologist for Yakult? Or perhaps I worked in the lab, specialising in genetic engineering? Or a nurse?? Or maybe I'm a CID?? LOL...!!!

But why beauty industry? I have no clue.

I once met this guy through a friend of mine, and we were at East Side. The same popular unintelligent questions will never ceased to form in everyone's mind, the same with this guy. He asked me my age, I mumbled a not-far-from-the-truth figures but when asked what I'm doing, I gave a very-far-from-the-truth answer. I told him I'm a lecturer!!

He was dumbfounded.

But of course, I gave very convincing answers to his interrogation. Endless actually.

Maybe I should be an actress instead. LOL!!

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