
Friday, 13 February 2009

Indeed i am. When God closes one door, He will never forget to leave another one open. With that, i'm really very thankful and grateful that while x-man chose to venture on his path, He sent some other angels down for me and Shane. I'm very fortunate. I have met many good people in my life, some stay, some move on and i know they are/were in my life for a reason. For those who no longer stay by my side, I do think of them from time to time. I miss them.

Apart from a family that loves me unconditionally, it's a true blessing to be surrounded by good people who care. I am thankful i have a kind boss who looks after me and a bunch of smart, kind and crazy-like-me girls at work whom i enjoy laughing and working with day in, day out. We have fun but we do work hard. I think my work place is one of the rare few where people actually build friendships and are comfortable with each other. So comfortable that i show them my trophy stretchmarks at every chance i could and never forget to remind them constantly that i'm actually the smartest of them all :)

Stretchmarks, that's like the branding of motherhood and i'm immensely proud of them! The markings are a permanent reminder that i'm a fighter, a tough cookie and if you dare trample all over my kid, i'll repay you million times the same.

Which then brought me back to the reason why i chose to stay single. Read

Maybe someday i will meet a really really nice and good man but for now, my only man is Shane.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Mark sent me a Chinese text message which i understood half and guessed the other half. I on-sent it to my girls and if you received one from me tonite, consider that a lucky charm and be glad you are on my VIP list!

In another two months or so, i'll be celebrating my birthday. Another year older, oh well, that's not really something to be happy about, or is it? Who wants to grow older? Maybe when i was ten or eleven. But now i wish time will stand still. However, i'm slowly accepting the fact that i'm no longer young. Some very fine lines are starting to appear and i'm slapping on anything that promises younger looking skin.

Ahh.. La Mer, my puppy, come to Mommy!



Monday, 9 February 2009

My passion for blogging is somewhat fading. Or perhaps i am. I no longer have the urge to tell the world what i did today, ate yesterday or the cutie i'm seeing tomorrow. Age is catching up, and soon i know this place will become a page of the past.

My past.

I wonder.

How often do people reminisce? And when they do, do they have any regrets of things they did or things they hadn't do?

My candle is burning, still going strong i hope and before You blow off the flame, let me live with no regrets.

Do You Pray?

Sunday, 1 February 2009

En Kai was laid to rest three days ago, exactly nine days after his birth. I was told of him way before his birth.

I cried the day i heard about him which was the day of the Club 21 sale. Agnes bought two beautiful small blue rompers. I was admiring it and she told me her sister was expecting a pair of twins. I congratulated her but what she said next broke my heart. One of the twins had anencephaly, a congenital birth defect that occurs in approximately one in one thousand pregnancies. En Kai was the younger twin with anencephaly.

I cried the day i knew he left. I saw his picture. He was a very beautiful baby, in fact, the most beautiful i have ever seen. And he was brave, very brave and so full of love, so much so that his grandmother had to gently tell him to let go before he queitly went home to God.

Anencephaly, in laymen definition is "baby developed without a brain". It is a defect in the neural tube that fails to close and develop around 25th days into embryonic development. Most anencephalic babies do not live past a day and it's amazing En Kai live to nine days.

Dear readers, if you do pray, may i request you to say a silent prayer for En Kai and for all babies with this unfortunate condition?

"There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world".