Indeed they are. And these are Dad's pride and joy. The grape vines have been with us for more than twenty years. Previously, Dad planted them at our balcony which sort of restricted their growth. They now occupy our backyard which used to have two huge longan & lychee trees that never did bear any fruit. Instead, we got caterpillars falling off from the trees like snow. Yucks! Caterpillars that were fat, green and some were even hairy! Double Yucks!!
Btw, we also have apple, apricot and persimmon trees in our front yard but i doubt they will bear fruit.
And my dear readers, my home is in super hot, humid Malaysia, so yeah, surprise they can even grow huh? :)
So after three weeks of doing basically nothing, i'm really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. But now, i have to find that darn blackberry charger. My blackberry has been hibernating for almost two weeks now. Time to wake up!
Sour Grapes
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Logged at
3:52 pm