Together we can help them.
To save the children, to save their fathers and to save their mothers.
I may not have a huge readership but if all of you who visit my blog on a daily basis could just donate US$1, I would be truly grateful and thankful.
Please do your little bit to help.
International Donors
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
American Red Cross
Mercy Corps
Peace Corps
Singapore Donors
In Aid of China Earthquake Relief
Members of the public who would like to contribute towards the Red Cross China Earthquake Appeal can make their donations through the following:
Cash/Walk-in Donations
Walk-in donations can be made at the Singapore Red Cross Society, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486.
Collection hours are:
Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.45pm
Sat & Sun (17-18 May): 9.30am - 5pm
Vesak Day (19 May): 9.30am - 5pm
For more information, please call the Singapore Red Cross at 6334-9152/53 or email
Cheque Donations
Cheque can be made payable to:
Singapore Red Cross Society
Please indicate behind the cheque:
1) Name, Organisation (if applicable), Mailing Address and Contact Numbers
2) For Red Cross China Earthquake Appeal
An official receipt (Donation is not tax deductible) will be issued.
Send the cheque to:
Singapore Red Cross Society
15 Penang Lane
Singapore 238486
*Singpost waives postage for cheque donations to Singapore Red Cross
UOB Internet Banking
1) Login to UOB Personal Internet Banking
2) Click on "Bill Payment" on the left menu
3) Click on "Pay Bills" on the left menu
4) Click on "New Bill" on the main screen
5) Select "Red Cross China Earthquake" from the drop down menu of the payee corporations list
6) Enter telephone number as the Bill Reference Number
7) Enter the debiting account to debit donation
8) Enter the donation amount
9) Click on "Confirm" button to approve payment
UOB Cheque Donations
Donations by cheque can be dropped at the UOB's cheque deposit boxes. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to "Red Cross - China Relief Fund".
DBS/POSB Fund Transfer
1) Insert your ATM card and enter PIN. Select "More Services"
2) Select "Credit Card/Bill Payment"
3) Key in "99" Other Corporation
4) Key in "99" again
5) Key in "18" for Red Cross China Earthquake
6) Indicate your contact number as the Bill Reference Number.
7) Select account type
8) Enter donation amount
9) Press "Confirm" to complete transaction
DBS Internet Banking
1) Log on to DBS iBanking,
2) Go to "Payment Services"
3) Under "Bill Payment"
4) Select "RedCross China Earthquake"
5) Indicate your contact number as the Consumer Reference Number
AXS Stations
You can also donate at all AXS stations islandwide.
To view the official Singapore Red Cross press statement, click here.
In Aid of Myanmar Cyclone Relief
Members of the public who would like to contribute to relief efforts in Myanmar can make their donations through the following:
Cash/Walk-in Donations
Walk-in donations can be made at the Singapore Red Cross Society, 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486.
Collection hours are:
Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.45pm
Sat & Sun ( 10-11 May): 9.30am - 5pm
For more information, please call the Singapore Red Cross at 6334-9152/53 or email
Cheque Donations
Cheque can be made payable to:
Singapore Red Cross Society
Please indicate behind the cheque:
1) Name, Organisation (if applicable), Mailing Address and Contact Numbers
2) For Survivors of Myanmar cyclone
An official receipt (Donation is not tax deductible) will be issued.
Send the cheque to:
Singapore Red Cross Society
15 Penang Lane
Singapore 238486
*Singpost waives postage for cheque donations to Singapore Red Cross
DBS/POSB Fund Transfer
1) Select "More Services"
2) Select "Credit Card/Bill Payment".
3) Key in "99" Other Corporation, then key in "13" for Red Cross Myanmar Cyclone.
Indicate your contact number as the Bill Reference Number
DBS Internet Banking
1) Log on to DBS iBanking,
2) Go to "Payment Services"
3) Under "Bill Payment",
4) Select "Red Cross Myanmar Cyclone"
5) Indicate your contact number as the Consumer Reference Number
UOB Internet Banking
1) Login to UOB Personal Internet Banking
2) Click on "Bill Payment" on the left menu
3) Click on "Pay Bills" on the left menu
4) Click on "New Bill" on the main screen
5) Select "Red Cross China Earthquake" from the drop down menu of the payee corporations list
6) Enter telephone number as the Bill Reference Number
7) Enter the debiting account to debit donation
8) Enter the donation amount
9) Click on "Confirm" button to approve payment
AXS Stations
You can also donate at all AXS stations islandwide.
To view the official Singapore Red Cross press statement, click here.