Alright, i'm going to post some pics from Becks leaving party here, all carefully selected, naturally the naughty ones won't be shown here and unless you are in my facebook, you won't be seeing them anywhere else :)
We were naughty, to be honest. We cross-dressed him and made him walked out of the office building in a lovely pink tube dress (actually it was a skirt, we just pulled it all the way up to look like a tube dress), carefully chosen by Aud, complete with pink wig, courtesy of darling Ivy, and a lovely necklace from Mommy Al. And Becks, being the good fun sport he was, allowed all these to happen. Well, he didn't actually know, coz Aud had blind-folded him before 'changing' him. But he was game enough to let us do what ever we wanted that evening.
So if you happen to be in Shenton Way at about 7.20pm on April 8, you might have caught a glimpse of a lovely tall pink maiden, head covered in a kimage paper bag - yes, that was Becks!! Haha..!
I had it all planned well, conspiring with his two other flatmates, and the party was held in Becks' own apartment, a very hot, spacious penthouse on top of an office building at the end of Shenton Way. It was super huge, with a super big garden plus a lovely view of the City and part of the World Trade Center. No wonder girls are flocking to his pad every now and then ;p
Becks didn't know where he was taken to (although i half suspected that Joggy might have told him), but he was surprised to find himself in his own apartment after we took the blind fold off. Even if he knew way ahead where the party would be, he was an excellent actor not to have let it showed.
Although Becks was very adventurous with food, there were a few he swore off like - pig's brain soup, pizza with lotsa pineapples (he insisted that was not the way to eat pizza with) and bittergourd. Therefore, coupled with some other food, we had our own little fear factor. Dear Becks took all these in a gulp but had to wash it down later with some strong gin to kill the taste!
I won't forget that nite, a nite of fun, laughter and of course, some tears. No doubt he won't be in the same time zone as i am, but i'm sure he will be constantly terrorizing me in some ways and being in the same firm makes it easier for him to do so.
Anyway here're the pics, enjoy and hopefully, you won't ask me any question :)
"The Ultimate Bachelor Pad in Singapore"
Don't you think he looks kinda cute here??
(Becks's gonna roast me alive if he knows i posted his pics here.. don't tell him ok)
And today is my birthday :) and as usual, x-man is the first to send me birthday greeting. In fact, for no reason, i dreamt of him on Sunday nite. Well, i actually dreamt i kissed him without brushing my teeth (it was morning in my dream). When i woke up, i thought to myself, ermmm, i wasn't sure which was gross, kissing someone without brushing teeth or kissing him?? Haha... anyway, he's not really that bad lah, if he's a changed man, i don't mind kissing him, with or without brushing teeth!! And last nite, i dreamt of him again, no, no kissing this time, but just some cuddling.. Goodness, what was wrong with me??
Anyway, thank you to those who emailed me, sent me sweet sms, leaving me birthday greetings on my facebook and MySpace. I always feel extra special on my birthday. Champion gave me S$150 to buy snacks for tea for my bday plus gave me two bottles of his wines to share with the rest in the office. What more can i expect from a boss?? Such kind soul, ok lah, i'll be his maid my next life.
"Happy Birthday To Me"
I haven't drink them yet.. maybe i can resell it back to Champ.. :)
PS: If you leave unkind comments here on Becks, i'm gonna delete them and i promise i won't talk to you for life!
A day late but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Won't say anything unkind about ur pink maiden. U like the card I sent?
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Cute cute your becks. But I like your male companion for your birthday more. Where to get?
ur pics are sooo hilarious, Angie! hahah! Can imagine the crazy nite u guys had.. and i do find your little male companion soooo adorable and manly too. ;D HA.
HAPPY (belated tho.. sry!) BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!
maybe u think of your xman too much, so u dreamt of him.
Happy belated bday ! Sorrie my greetins came late ! Hope ya enjoyed ya bday !! Take care ok ! :)
Aiyo! hahahaha! He looks pretty! Like a princess! hahaha! Miss you gals and guys!
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