Kimchi Wild Rockets Salad

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Kimchi Wild Rockets Salad

Dinner for tonite: Kimchi-Wild Rockets Salad with honey tomatoes, black olives, croutons, egg, pumpkin seeds and Shane's unwanted baked salmon skin.

อร่อย มาก!!

Four Strawberries A Day . . .

Monday, 23 August 2010

. . . keep the lines at bay!! :)

You wanna look younger? Start by eating more strawberries!! That's what i did. Strawberry, one of the top ten antioxidants food that can help prevent heart disease and cancer, reduce blood pressure and slow the effects of aging.

Have a Strawberry day!

PS: Sorry folks, been busy again. Looks like i can't fulfill my a-blog-entry-a-day promise. Preparing another deployment at work. Gonna spend a few weeks away from home again. Not good.