Emptiness. Always felt and always have whenever i turned past the last page of the book i was reading. End of my twilight journey. Completed within three weeks, the last three books within one week and the final book within a day. All 754 pages of them, in a day. To be exact, 23 hours, 37 minutes and 6 seconds. Impressive? Nay, i'm sure many of you hold Guiness records for speed reading. I am but a late bloomer.
I was craving for more, like a hunger that kept on building even after a full meal, so much so that i even read the whole aknowledgements twice just before closing the back cover. Still hungry.
Superhero. Bad or good, no problem, as long as they can fly a plane or profess undying genuine love for you. Ahh, fantasies, like the matchstick you hold in the dark, giving you the little hope for a moment of light.
I watched the movie first before reading the book, watched it three times before the suspense was killing me slowly. I wanted to know more, i needed to know what was in store for them. Hence, my journey to the twilight saga began.
Now, the journey has ended and i'm searching. Searching for my next obsession, waiting for it to erupt, taking over my willpower to do anything meaningful.
Books. My bff.
ps: i was kidding on the exact time i took reading the last book. No folks, i do not time how fast i read :)
My Twilight Journey
Sunday, 24 May 2009
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9:17 pm
I'm A Mother, Call Me A Nagger
Sunday, 10 May 2009
A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises a child: mother.
A person who continuosly scold non-stop in a monotone: nagger.
Unfortunately, when i became the former, i also ended up the latter.
Plus i have picked up the habit of being a constant worrier.
Mother, the very essence of love, warmth and selfless devotion. She wanted nothing for her children but their well-beings and happiness. She would defend them fearlessly and stand up for them.
Mother, the one who gave you life and sheltered you within her womb, endangering herself to give you a glimpse of the world.
Mother, the greatest lady of them all, the only one who will; protect you with her life, shower you with her never-ending love, cry with you when you fall, hold your hands when you are scared, hug you when you feel unwanted, watch you when you are sleeping and kiss your little tears away when you are sad...
Mother, the multi-tasker in the family, the one with one body but six pair of hands.
Today is Mother's Day.
Today, i salute all the Mothers in the world and at the same time, pray for those who yearn for a taste of being a constant worrier and perhaps, a nagger? :)
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women in the world..
Image taken from the web
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1:47 am
Monday, 4 May 2009
I did something i kinda regret. Well, u see, i was with my curling tong and camera that nite...
Hours later, i had my hair permed!!!
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8:49 pm